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Rent Increase

What is the maximum rent increase allowable in Baltimore, MD.

Yes. Just be sure to follow landlord tenant requirements in those states. In Florida a landlord can increase the rent with proper notice.
Yes with proper notice in most states I am unsure of yours this can only occur after the first year of occupancy.
Rent Increase Notice: 30 days notice if the rent increase is less than 10 percent of the lowest amount of rent charged during the last 12 months. 60 days notice if the rent increase is more than 10 percent of the lowest amount of rent charged during the last 12 months. (Civ. Code §§ 827(b)(2-3))   Rental Increases When managing properties in California, it is legal to increase rent if you are not in a rent control area, but you must do so according to specific regulations.  Here is how much notice you have to give about rent increases:  30-day notice According to landlord tenant law California, a 30-day notice be must be given to a tenant in the majority of situations where you are increasing rent. 60-day notice If the sum of the rent increase & all prior rent increase during the last year is higher than 10% of the lowest rent during that time, then you must give 60 days of notice. You are permitted to increase rent because of rising market value in the area or simply to increase your profits, but you cannot increase rent because you don’t like the tenant and want them to leave. This is called retaliation, and it is illegal in California.
Rent Increases & Related Fees in Arizona Rent control & increases. Arizona’s current statutory code neither requires landlords to state a reason for raising rent, nor does it limit the rate at which that rate increases (based upon a state preclusion of local rent control policies). Landlords in Arizona also don’t need to give any notice of their intent to raise the rent. However, these rent raises can only go into effect at the start of the next periodic rent period.  Arizona landlords are also forbidden from using a raise in rent prices as a means of retaliation against one or more tenants. Along the same lines, an Arizona landlord cannot raise one or more tenants’ rents in a manner than can be construed as discriminatory based upon a class protected by local, state, or federal law.
Do you need to notify renters in Colorado of rent increase and how many days should it be?
With any month-to-month lease, the landlord can raise the rent, change or terminate the agreement at the end of each month, with proper written notice to the tenant. The tenant, likewise, can terminate the lease at the end of the month with proper written notice to the landlord. Proper notice for both landlord and tenant must be written and received by the other party at least ten days before the last day of the rental month. (See C.R.S. § 13-40-107). However, a written month-to-month lease may specify a longer notice period, for example, 30 days or 60 days before the end of the lease term.
State law regulates several rent-related issues, including the amount of notice (at least 10 days in Colorado for month-to-month leases) landlords must give tenants to raise the rent and how much time (three days in Colorado) a tenant has to pay rent or move before a landlord can file for eviction
Depends on if leased or Month to Month. Month to Month, you can change rent with 30 day notice.
Google it.
Pamella, I agree with Richard W. unless you talk to your tenants and all agree then you can re-write the contract. Looks like you're trying to help them out. I have rental property and my rental is based on the going rate for the address in question(give or take a little)and because it is an "Investment Income" one wants to cover the required expenses with that rent.
Maryland state law has no rent control provisions, although local jurisdictions may have rent control laws.  The statewide Rent Control Law expired in 1975, and similar rent control ordinances have expired in Baltimore City, Montgomery County and Prince George’s County.  Montgomery County does have a Voluntary Rent Guideline Law that is administered by the Office of Landlord Tenant Affairs (OLTA) and requires landlords to report rental increases. OLTA, however, currently has no authority to order rent rollbacks or to prevent landlords from increasing rent above the voluntary guidelines. Baltimore County has a similar Voluntary Rent Control Commission that simply monitors rent increases in excess of the inflation rate.
Maryland state law has no rent control provisions, although local jurisdictions may have rent control laws. The statewide Rent Control Law expired in 1975, and similar rent control ordinances have expired in Baltimore City, Montgomery County and Prince George’s County. Montgomery County does have a Voluntary Rent Guideline Law that is administered by the Office of Landlord Tenant Affairs (OLTA) and requires landlords to report rental increases. OLTA, however, currently has no authority to order rent rollbacks or to prevent landlords from increasing rent above the voluntary guidelines. Baltimore County has a similar Voluntary Rent Control Commission that simply monitors rent increases in excess of the inflation rate.
Donald,  How many months and $$$ behind in rent are tenants
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