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Laws in MA

The tenant was on section 8 until SEPT 1..they cancelled his section 8 for violations at the end of JULY. (Meaning section 8 weren't paying the rent anymore ) So Now they told me they were moving SEPT 1..which is fine. I find out they are leaving at the end of JULY next week. This was section 8 so no security was given. I might miss a mortgage payment because of this. What can I do? Is there a law that can make them pay the last month? Can I stop them from getting their stuff? Pleasee help.

There is nothing in writing saying he is moving in Sept , count your blessings . You are not always going to run without a small loss, but in the long run it will pay down your mortgage and eventually you will own the rental, Its not a perfect world in rental land.
Use that empty month to wash, paint and maintain the property and look for a new tenant
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