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General Property Management
allowing dogs
Jacob W
started a topic
over 14 years ago
Is it acceptable to allow dogs in one half of a duplex and not the other? I've heard different things one being that if allow one half to have pets I legally have to let the other.
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James B
almost 14 years ago
The tenent had 2 small dogs and just moved out. After the carpets were cleaned there was an overwhelming odor. A new tenent is set to move in soon...any advice? Wendy B, WA on Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Stuart P
almost 14 years ago
James & Wendy this advice may be too late for this time but something to file away for future use. Many years ago we bought a home that the owner kept a german shepard locked in a room all day. Needless to say the carpets were ruined and the urine soaked all the way through the carpet pad. We ripped out the carpet and pad and went all the way down to sub floor but the smell remained. I called the local humane society for some advice. We washed the floor with a mixture of 50% water/50% vinegar. Apparently the vinegar cuts the uric acid. One treatment did the trick.
Tony A
almost 14 years ago
Yep, tried the vinegar - and some mamby-pamby bio stuff in two houses I acquired. Didn't work. One, a garage I washed with Clorox and used a concrete epoxy paint. Worked great. My current rental has all laminate floors - bomb proof, and apparently scent-proof after 7 years of tenants with dogs.
Juan R
almost 13 years ago
I am seeing lots of cracks in the current 18" square ceramic tiles currently in a condo that we have. I suspect that the sub-flooring had not been properly prepared prior to tile instillation and that's why it is cracking. I had planned on replacing the tile floors with laminate wood flooring, but I didn't know how it would hold up in the long-range with tenants, pets, slobs, water, scratching.... has it really remained pet-odor proof? Thanks, Chery
Bob R
almost 13 years ago
Laminate wood flooring has seams and water will find its way thru the seam. Is it the tile that's cracking or grout? If its grout, you might consider having it redone and sealed. It may be a lot cheaper.
Juan R
almost 13 years ago
The ceramic floor tiles are cracking smack dab in the middle of the tiles. My dad worked as a floor layer in his lifetime, so I have better than an average person's knowledge about flooring and carpeting. With 18' ceramic tiles that are cracking they way they are it's most likely that it was a DIY tile job and the sub flooring wasn't prepared properly, ie. sanding and leveling. I was interested in the laminate as a flooring option because it was recommend-ed in several real estate investment seminars as the best flooring to put in rental units. Thanks.
Curtis B
almost 13 years ago
I have had fairly good luck with laminates. Their are some out now for slightly more that are sealed on there unfinished ends and offer a moisture warranty, I would go for one of those.
Diane H
almost 13 years ago
My lease says no dogs. My tenant however decided to get a dog stating that it was just visiting. The dog appears to be long terms. What is advise about telling tenant that dogs are not allowed. If I agree to modify the lease should I want to charge a deposit for for the dog additionally add the amount of the rent by $25.
Bob R
almost 13 years ago
I don’t understand why you would tell them that having a dog is a violation and than you want to change your position. Sign of weakness. Not good. Send them a 3 Day Perform or Quit Notice. Hopefully, you have a fine listed in your Agreement.
Daaku B
over 12 years ago
I would share my experience, my previous tenant had two dogs and two cats, On the policy we have a clause that allows the tenant to have any pets lesser than 15 pounds. My experience out of this tenant was a nightmare, I had to spend around 6500 to bring the condo back to a good condition. 1. The Pet Urine Odor and spots was so strong that i couldn't remove with bleach or vinegar. Had to sand and re coat all the hardwood flooring 2. The Bath room had to be completely re done. The Pet urine went all the way under the Vinyl and tiles and the hardwood floor, Had to remove the floor about 3 foot by 3 foot and re place with new hardwood until the stud. 3. The pet hair was every where (even inside the freezers), had to involve professional cleaners to clean all the appliances. 4. The vents were all covered with pet hair, had to get the professions to clean all the vents. 5. The corner's of the cabinets in the kitchen and the Bathroom had lot of bite marks (assume the are bite marks since looked like something was chewing on them) had to replace the cabinet on the bathroom and the kitchen (only the corner frame). 6. Had to repaint the entire house to take the smell away from the walls The tenant was not ready to pay a single dollar more than the security deposit. The security deposit barely covered 1/4 of the expenses. My experience has been bad, but i learnt a costly lesson, so my lease is getting modified with additional security deposit (for each pet) or not to include any pets altogether.
Hubert K
almost 12 years ago
Simply cleaning carpets, etc. does NOT remove the FLEAS. Only ONCE have I allowed the tenants to add a pet. Luckily, few have wanted one anyway. If I sense one might be brought on the property, not only will the rent go up more, but a PET AGREEMENT must be signed along with a non-refundable up-front fee. Cats love to rip carpet, curtains, and mark walls and furniture. Hamsters & other small critters can smell up a place, too, probably damaging paint. Dogs are great to tear up screen doors, scratch wood doors, and can ruin furniture. Cats & dogs will pee or "mark" spots, usually walls, carpeted floors, and furniture. Agreements to KEEP THEM OUTSIDE doesn't keep them outside, either. And fleas can migrate. The only dog I allowed was loved by her sons the first year, but ignored the rest of its life -- except for feeding. A lonely dog indeed,,,,
Amanda S
almost 11 years ago
Tell them to get rid of the dog - we have just had to spend $3000 re-carpeting a rental (the carpet was only 2 years old) because they had a "visiting" dog. Together with the other damages (holes in doors from door stops etc) we are well and truly out of pocket. Be tough or be prepared to pay up later
Linda M
over 10 years ago
FYI! The last new kitten I got would run and jump on the toilet every time it was flushed. She loved to watch the water swirl around. I decided to see if I could teach her to use the human toilet. I went on line and found a company by the name of "Litter Kwitter". They sell a kit with DVD instructions. Their system really works. It takes a few weeks, but totally worth the effort. When we moved in 2011, I just set the system up in the new bathroom for a couple of weeks. Best thing I ever did. Sophie is now 6 years old. I have not bought litter for her in YEARS! We smile every time we hear her in the bathroom! I wonder if we could make that part of the "Pet Addendum". We have also had every cat we owned declawed and spayed. Once those two issues are dealt with, cats are awesome pets! I know that declawing is controversial. Here is how I look at that. I am giving that creature a wonderful home. Her life with me (full time in the house) is so pampered and loving, it is worth the trade off of loosing her claws. I have the right to protect my home and other assets from destruction. She runs and plays and jumps anywhere she wants to. Critics be damned!
Linda M
over 10 years ago
I am thinking about charging 2 months security deposit instead of the ususal1 month, plus adding maybe $50 a month to the rent per pet.
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