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Rental Increase Procedure

After I send the rental increase notice and the tenants agree by checking the box in my notice, signing it and mailing back to me ----   do I still need to have them sign a brand new lease?  I had stated in the rental increase notice their lease term will continue another 12 months and that all other terms and conditions of your lease with still apply.  Again, after I received the signed rental increase notice is it recommended to have them resign a full lease agreement? or is the signed rental letter enough to keep the terms of the original lease in tact?  Thank you!

If the lease is up, you might also want to either do a lease renewal or draft another lease. Either way you would want them to sign on for another term, unless you added that in the increase notice. Well, that is how I would handle it.
Do I have to give my Tenant more than 30 days notice for a rent increase?
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